The manga series "Captain Tsubasa" was invented in 1981 by author Yoichi Takahashi and quickly became one of the most successful graphic novel series in the World. The series is about a football player named Tsubasa Ohzora who had a big dream, he wanted to be not only the best footballer in the world, but also to reach the World Cup with the Japan National Team. The series shows Tsubasa's career, his first games in the school team, to the first international tournament in France. Captain Tsubasa was continued in several series, including a feature film, TV series and OVA (original video animation). The main characters of the series are "Tsubasa Ohzora" Genzo Wakabayashi, Taro Misaki, Roberto Hongo and Tsubasa future wife Sanae Nakazawa. Today it is still the most popular anime series that football has ever seen, with fans around the globe.